Interview With Larry Andrews,
of Songs of Sadness, Songs of Love, and
The Russia-Africa Parallax: A Ryan and
Gillian Mystery
by Nadia Janice
Brown, CEO, Author & Book Promotions
- What did you first read? How did
you begin to write? Who were the first to read what you wrote?
1. The first thing I read was the daily
newspaper. It was an evening delivery so after my mother had dinner prepared,
we'd sit side-by-side on the couch waiting for my father to come home; mom read
the newspaper to me. Soon, we had a "you read to me I'll read to you"
pattern. Reading was an activity I learned by observation, then practice.
2. Not counting school assignments (most of
which was not writing, it was parroting), my first writing was as a sports
reporter. I was already employed by the local newspaper to deliver the
carriers' bundles to their homes. Since I was in the newspaper offices
everyday, I knew when there was an opening for a part-time writer in the Sports
Department. That was my beginning as a writer.
3. My first readers were my mother and a
Sports Editor. Today I ask 3-4 friends to read my drafts.