I've come to
help you, she said,
The wind is
strong and it might
Blow you over.
I don't want you to fall.
Two others
called out:
First: Man,
she's taking care of you;
Then: You're
one lucky guy today.
She held out
her elbow for
Him to take.
They left
The building,
headed for his car.
Watch your
step, this wind
Is fierce. He
tightened his hold
On her arm.
Thanks, he said.
The southern
sky was robin's egg blue;
clouds were approaching from the north.
In between,
weather-making wind was buffeting.
Here we are,
she said, opening his door.
He safely slid
into the driver's seat,
Kissing his forehead, she patted his shoulder.
We made it, he said with mock ceremony.
We usually do, she smiled back.
He inserted his key into the ignition.